Monday, 30 April 2012

"I'm really looking forward to that game (Splinter Cell). It would be great if we could just turn Splinter Cell into Metal Gear Solid X"

Hideo Kojima

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

People often say that Wacky Races on Dreamcast used cel-shading before Jet Set Radio, but it seems that Looney Tunes Space Race may actually have been the first!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

"He made some comments later on through his agent, something like, 'Hey, that game was so big I should have charged them more money', and I hate that kind of chat. It's like, be cool. You know? I hate that - it's so cheesy. Like he's saying, 'Next time I'm really going to pin it to them'. Well, how about we just killed off your character? So he doesn't exist - there is no next time. That's how we handle that."

Sam Houser, President of RockStar Games - explaining why Ray Liotta didn't return after Vice City

Saturday, 14 April 2012

"This Game Makes My Flesh Crawl" from a classic review of the terrible game Dangerous Streets on Amiga CD32. Reviewed by Stuart Campbell of Amiga Power magazine. The game scored 3%! Even more worrying is this was the game included with the console.

Click on links below to see full size pages in a readable fomat.

Monday, 9 April 2012

"It's like taking a shit. A lot of things influenced No More Heroes - things I saw or heard, and something that came from inside. Something that needed to be eliminated from my body like waste. That's why I created No More Heroes.  I realised I had a lot more that needed to be eliminated from my body. No More Heroes 2? New taking-a-shit."

Goichi Suda the CEO of Grasshopper Manufacture