Friday, 30 March 2012

A new Neo Geo game has just been officially released - 22 years after the system's launch. Think Turrican :)

Gamplay Video:

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

"I remember when we demoed it to Nintendo, to Mr Arakawa [Nintendo founder] and Howard Lincoln who was president at the time - it was a scene in which Conker pisses all over these fire monsters. Mr Arakawa was cracking up, but Howard Lincoln, was sitting there going 'I'm not sure I find this funny' "

Mark Betteridge Studio Head at Rare talking about Conker's Bad Fur Day

Monday, 26 March 2012

If you like Jet Set Radio, you will love this custom Dreamcast

Saturday, 24 March 2012

"I like the fact that the central characters, the soldiers, can only shoot directly upward and not diagonally. We spent a lot of thought on this, and I believe this is the only way to do an action shooter!" Kazuma Kujo (Irem/Nazca) one of the designers on the original Metal Slug

Friday, 23 March 2012

The Atari Panther (from the August 1991 edition of The One Magazine)

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